
Développer l'énergie éolienne offshore dans le respect de l'environnement

The offshore wind industry is set for global growth as the industry matures across the globe. As part of the transition to renewable energy, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 7 urges countries to ensure access to affordable and clean energy for all by 2030. DHI is in the heart of this transition as DHI has contributed to more than 80% of commissioned offshore wind farms worldwide.


The issue

Whether you want to build new offshore wind farms or optimise existing ones, having reliable data of site-specific conditions is critical to ensure success. Challenges are many as developers are met with demands for regulations compliance, protecting water environments as well as life below and above water. Overcoming engineering challenges is also critical: designing bigger and floating wind turbines, ensuring sturdy foundations and harnessing more energy cost-efficiently.


Why it matters

Achieving environmental targets is a priority, but the real objective of offshore wind energy development is creating truly sustainable energy resources and systems that will secure ourselves and our planet now and in the future.

How we can help

Since 1991, DHI has developed standards and tools to optimise wind farm design and ensure their safe construction, operation and maintenance. Our high-quality data, modelling tools and detailed analyses help identify new offshore wind farm opportunities and evaluate potential environmental impacts to ease approval processes, prevent operational hiccups and reduce investment risks.

Integrated solutions

The answers are within reach with our proven combination of in-situ field data, remote sensing, online monitoring, numerical and physical modelling and expertise. 


Analyse de la charge et de la réponse des structures éoliennes


Surveillance et modélisation spécialisées pour les autorisations environnementales


Évaluations et prévisions de la mobilité des fonds marins et des risques d'affouillement


Analyses et données météo-océaniques pour une conception et une exploitation optimisées


Définition de critères de conception environnementale certifiable

« Nous avons demandé à DHI de fournir une base de données météo-océaniques de niveau international pour permettre aux prestataires d'optimiser leurs propositions dès la première étape des appels d'offres. DHI a dépassé nos attentes. »

Ben de Sonneville, Senior Consultant, BLIX Consultancy BV, on behalf of the client

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How can we help?

With our global network of offices, we make sure you get the right answers to your local needs. Tell us about your water challenges and we will get back to you.