Port Botany avoids 100+ hours in transit delays with NCOS ONLINE
Digital port management system helps port move very large vessels safely with minimal impact and delay to customers
In July 2020, Port Botany was able to minimise impacts to vessel transit schedules as an East Coast Low (ECL) caused hazardous conditions along most of the East Australian seaboard. As one of the largest container ports in Australia, Port Botany has taken several proactive measures to remove as many bottlenecks in the supply chain as possible. The Port has used NCOS ONLINE since mid-2019 as one of these measures. NCOS ONLINE is a revolutionary science-based digital port management system, which is able to dynamically and accurately plan ship transits during times of rough weather.
Port Botany is one of Australia’s busiest container ports servicing the largest population center in the country. As an open ocean port, it is frequently subject to rough wind and wave conditions from the Pacific Ocean, posing restrictions on safe navigation and vessel underkeel clearance (UKC).
Previous port operations relied on a more simplistic treatment of UKC sometimes resulting in delays and additional costs to the ports customers. With the growth of vessel sizes and draft in recent years, the Port has recognised the need to use the best possible technology to assure that vessel traffic can prevail safely and efficiently even during times of rough weather.
A recent example of this need was demonstrated during the July 2020 ECL that pummelled the southeast Australian coast for several days. The storm produced huge swells over 6 metres offshore with gusting winds up to 46 knots. Under the limitation of previous port rules, such conditions would have exceeded allowable thresholds for safe passing for several vessels and introduced delays in the supply chain.
Through a fully transparent, scientific framework, NCOS ONLINE was able to provide Harbourmaster, VTS team and Pilots with an accurate and clear overview as well as support on how transit windows for each vessel could be planned safely during the ECL. The system demonstrated the way each vessel interacted with the sea states and provided exact safety parameters to the PANSW team.
The outcomes of using a leading scientific based assessment of UKC were astounding. NCOS identified large safe transit windows for at least four scheduled containerships. Previous Port rules would have offered none. This prevented delays and knock on challenges for the Port.
Utilising NCOS ONLINE, Port Botany had the assurance they needed to minimise the impact to vessel transit during the ECL. This resulted in avoiding over 100 hours of transit delays, clearing the backlog 1.5 days quicker and more than USD 500,000 (approximately AUD 700,000) in avoided expenses for themselves and key customers.
With their investment in NCOS ONLINE, the port and its stakeholders are reaping substantial and quantifiable improvements on an ongoing basis as illustrated from events such as the July 2020 ECL.
- Over 100 hours of transit delays avoided
- Clearing the transit backlog 1.5 days faster
- More than USD 500K in cost-savings for key customers
Port Botany
Related SDG(s):
SDG 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
SDG 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
‘During this adverse weather event, the NCOS ONLINE software proved to be a valuable management tool to enable us to continue to move very large vessels safely and efficiently with minimal delay or impact to our customers. The system enabled us to move several vessels promptly after the passing of the event, which, under the previous static port rules, would have experienced extended delays.’
Cameron Butchart, Port Services Manager
Port Authority of New South Wales
About our client
Port Botany is a deep-water seaport located in Botany Bay, Sydney. It is one of Australia’s largest container ports and specialises in trade in manufactured products and bulk liquid imports including petroleum and natural gas. Port Authority of New South Wales manages the navigation, security and operational safety needs of commercial shipping in Sydney Harbour, Port Botany, Newcastle Harbour, Port Kembla, Eden and Yamba.
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