What to consider in a nature-based blue carbon project
28 August 2023
Recent research indicates that nature-based solutions (NbS) can provide up to a third of the cost-effective mitigation potential needed by 2030 to limit global warming to below 1.5 °C. An example of NbS is blue carbon projects.
Blue carbon projects can help mitigate climate change and bring many benefits to the environment, but how should you start? A first step is to explore available solutions or tools in the market that can:
- Track and identify at-risk blue carbon habitats such as mangroves, seagrass and tidal marshes
- Accurately estimate and forecast carbon sequestration potential even in remote areas
- Rapidly detect changes at the project site, allowing for agile response and management
- Ensure credibility to the carbon crediting and verification process
Find out more in this blog post by DHI's Senior Environmental Consultant Yi-Mei Tan: What to consider in a nature-based blue carbon project.
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