Head of Environmental Solutions, Brunei

Liaw Lin Ji - not all heroes wear capes

Lin Ji is a recipient of the ASEAN Biodiversity Heroes Award, which recognises exceptional individuals from ASEAN Member States who have contributed significantly to biodiversity efforts in their respective communities and countries. In this interview, she tells us what keeps her motivated in protecting biodiversity for our planet.


Congratulations Lin Ji, on being recognised as an ASEAN Biodiversity Hero! How do you feel about your win?


I am truly humbled by the recognition provided by ASEAN and the Brunei Government for the past decade of work I’ve done both voluntarily through my NGO (BruWILD) and full-time job in DHI. Receiving this award also motivates me to pursue further in biodiversity conservation, particularly in Brunei as there is still so much work to be done.


You've been with DHI since 2013 as an Environmental Specialist, became Country Manager of Brunei in 2017 and now Head of Environmental Solutions. What keeps you motivated all these years?


Good mentors and colleagues – I don’t think I’ll be able to maintain this motivation without their support.


What is the most memorable biodiversity project or initiative you've been part of - either within or outside DHI?


Ah – it’s hard to pick one. As terrestrial work isn’t typically part of the DHI-gene, fauna relocation work and pitcher plant relocation project would be most memorable for me as we’ve not done these before. With the right team and collaborators, they both were carried out successfully. For example, pitcher plant relocation effort that was done in collaboration with the client and local university registered a 90% survival rate – how awesome is that?!


Outside DHI, I normally work with parents, kids, schoolteachers and the general public members. I formed BruWILD as an educational platform back in 2014 to engage and communicate important biodiversity concepts to wider public audiences. I felt this is important given that biodiversity protection can only be achievable if more people know what we’re protecting and why it’s important. Every engagement with the kids and parents rejuvenates my passion towards biodiversity protection.


Tell us a bit of yourself outside of work!


These days I’m working off work hours to complete my Masters and a book titled Ferns of Brunei, but when I have some free time, I love to paint, hike in the jungles and do some gardening work.

'Outside DHI, I normally work with parents, kids, schoolteachers and the general public members. I formed BruWILD as an educational platform back in 2014 to engage and communicate important biodiversity concepts to wider public audiences. I feel this is important given that biodiversity protection can only be achievable if more people know what we’re protecting and why it’s important.'

Liaw Lin Ji
Head of Environmental Solutions, Brunei

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